þa‹RþwUþ mP9þhý oþ nSystem-wide2 2: Local or server memory (RAM) is full 11 11: Invalid memory block 12 12: Version incompatibility 27 27: Make sure that password is correct or required 29 29: Checksum error 30 30: File locked - use GRiDManager 31 31: Bad pointer 32 32: File already exists 33 33: File is not available 34 34: Application is not available 35 35: Request not supported 36 36: 8087 Emulator file does not exist 37 37: Incorrect Current Serial in GRiDManager Options 38 38: File access denied 39 39: Incorrect Current Modem in GRiDManager Options 40 40: File or device can't be shared 41 41: Insufficient storage space for this file 49 49: Cannot run ROM program from non-ROM device 102 102: Storage device error - invalid sector 103 103: Storage device error - CRC error 104 104: Storage device error - record not found 105 105: Storage device error - CRC error in ID field 106 106: Device write-protected 107 107: Device not ready 108 108: Unknown disk error 109 109: Storage device error - ECC error in data 110 110: Storage device error - ECC error in ID field 111 111: Storage device error - no index pulse 112 112: Storage device error - seek not complete 113 113: Storage device error - write fault 114 114: Storage device error - track zero not found 115 115: Storage device error - no address mark found 116 116: Storage device error - seek error 117 117: Storage device error - format error 121 121: New disk cartridge may have been inserted 128 128: Diskette drive not ready 200 200: Invalid file ID on local or server device 201 201: File data out of sequence 205 205: File not open 221 221: Bad connection 222 222: File already open 225 225: Bad parameter 227 227: Device not active 230 230: Device already activated 231 231: Device not responding 232 232: Invalid directory format 233 233: Invalid bit map format 234 234: Subject does not exist 235 235: Wrong diskette in drive 236 236: Diskette in wrong drive 237 237: Volume not available 238 238: Too many files open 252 252: Semaphore does not exist 253 253: Request timed out - try again 300 300: Application damaged - get new copy 301 301: Application damaged - get new copy 302 302: Application damaged - get new copy 303 303: Application damaged - get new copy 304 304: Application damaged - get new copy 400 400: Modem did not answer 401 401: Modem timed out 402 402: Modem lost carrier 406 406: Invalid phone number - reenter number 407 407: Modem device not present 450 450: GPIB bus error - check devices and cables 451 451: GPIB timeout error - check devices and cables 452 452: GPIB not responding - check devices and cables 701 701: Server not responding 702 702: Phone line was dropped due to no activity 704 704: Data link send failure - too many retries 706 706: Data link disconnected by server 709 709: Physical connection was lost 733 733: Too many stations on link 801 801: User is not signed on 802 802: User is already signed on 803 803: Interprocess message too long 804 804: Too many interprocess connections 806 806: Resource not found on server 810 810: Sign-on request cancelled 813 813: Sign-off incomplete - sign off again later 902 902: Too many files attached on server 905 905: Invalid authority for file access 951 951: File on server in use - cannot sign off 1003 1003: Sign-on password invalid - reenter 1004 1004: Internal user authorization error 1005 1005: User is unknown to the server 1008 1008: User access is locked 1025 1025: User has exceeded allocated file space 1032 1032: User authorization file must be updated